The Jazz Guitar Improvisation Workout is online.

Matt Otten
Feb 14

Previously known as the 'Jazz Guitar Improvisation Exercises and Examples', this is a multi-level training program designed to get you started with true jazz improvisation, by practicing and playing, like a workout.

Jazz Guitar Improvisation Workout (


antonius wiryawan
Mar 27

Hi Matt, I purchased the jazz guitar improvisation CD several years ago. It includes tab and fretboard animation but it does not have you playing the exercises. I saw on your previous post that the online version might have a video of you playing it in addition to the fretboard animation. Is this correct?

antonius wiryawan
Mar 29

Yes i have the V3....i thought the online version might have you playing the exercise in addition to the fretboard animation......anyway, it will be great if you can sell online some of your smooth jazz song with you playing + the fretboard animation and tab...... song such as Valerie, RB4, can sell it per song, i will buy those (btw, i already have the refill DVD).